вторник, 15 декабря 2015 г.

Підготовка до ІІ туру Всеукраїнської олімпіади з англійської мови у 2015-2016 н.р.

                            20.12.2015  відбудеться II тур  Всеукраїнської  учнівської  олімпіади з  англійської мови. 

 До олімпіади готуються учні нашої школи: Мусієнко Віталій, Мазуріна Юлія, Кащук Анна, Галузинська Ірина, Мазур Ілона.

Бажаємо успіху!


         Основними завданнями  олімпіади з англійської мови є:

стимулювання творчого самовдосконалення дітей, учнівської молоді;

виявлення та розвиток обдарованих учнів та надання їм допомоги у               виборі професії;

формування творчого покоління молодих філологів та практиків для             різних галузей  суспільного життя;

підвищення інтересу до поглибленого вивчення іноземних мов у рамках         спецкурсів, прищеплення широким колам учнівської молоді навичок             дослідницької роботи;

пропаганда досягнень науки, техніки та новітніх технологій;

підведення підсумків роботи факультативів, гуртків, секцій, учнівських         наукових товариств, активізація всіх форм позакласної та позашкільної         роботи з учнями;

підвищення рівня викладання англійської мови та фахової підготовки           учнів;

виявлення, поширення і впровадження в навчально-виховний процес             сучасних прийомів і методів навчання;

залучення професорсько-викладацького складу, аспірантів, студентів             вищих закладів  освіти, працівників наукових закладів України до                 активної допомоги навчально-виховним закладам у справі поліпшення        стану викладання англійської мови та підвищення рівня знань, умінь та        навичок учнівської молоді;

формування команд для участі в міжнародних олімпіадах, конкурсах та         турнірах.

                                           Speaking Topics for Students.

9 клас
1. Imagine that you have travelled fifty years into the future. How do you think the world will be different?
What kind of new technologies will exist?
What problems will have been solved? What new problems will have come about?
Do you think that positive progress will inevitably occur in humanity's future?  Why or why not?

2. Every year we celebrate a number of different holidays.   What holiday is your favourite?  Why?
What is your least favourite holiday? Why?
How do you usually celebrate your favourite holiday? Why is it important to celebrate holidays?
If you could change one holiday, how would you change it? Why?

3. Fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Why do you think fashion is considered to be so important by so many people?
How important is it to you to be fashionable?
How does aesthetic style vary between communities and countries?
Some people believe that the fashion industry promotes unrealistic and unhealthy expectations regarding body image. Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think the fashion industry influences society in general?

4. Famous athletes are among the highest paid people in the world nowadays. Workers in other professions, like teaching, are considered honourable and essential for society, and yet they are much more modestly compensated. Do you believe that this is
appropriate and fair? Why or why not?
Why does society value the physical skill of athletes more highly than the mental labour of academic professionals?
Some people believe that the exorbitant salaries which professional athletes receive often influence children to dedicate themselves to sports rather than to academic studies. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Are athletics as important as academics? Why or why not?
Do you think that there should be a legal maximum for salaries regardless of occupation? What about a legal minimum regardless of occupation? Why or why not?

5. If you had a choice to either instantly become completely fluent in a foreign language while forgetting your native language, or retain knowledge of your native language while forgetting all the foreign languages you have studied, which would you choose? Why?
What advantages would you gain from fluency in a foreign language?
What would you lose in forgetting your native language?
Some people believe that language is the most important building block of culture. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

6. Many countries, especially more economically developed countries, are facing the problem of an "aging population" which means that there will soon be more old people than young people living in such countries. Why do you think this is happening?    
What problems do you think this will cause?
What should the governments of such countries do to address these problems and this issue in general?
What do you think this issue means for the future of humanity?

7. As the saying goes, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." It is widely believed that parents greatly influence the personalities of their children. Do you think this is always necessarily true? Why or why not?
Which personality traits do you share with your mother and father?
What makes you different from them?
Who has made the largest impact on the devel¬opment of your personality? Why?

8. According to a famous English proverb, Two wrongs don't make a right." What do you think this proverb means?
Do you agree with this proverb? Why or why not?
Describe a situation in which you had to forgive someone for a wrong against you or a situation in which you sought forgiveness for something which you did wrong.
Which do you think is the more natural reaction to being wronged: forgiveness or revenge? Why?

9. Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." What did he mean when he said this?
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
How will you use your education to make a positive change in the world?
What academic subjects do you think are most important to study if one hopes to develop society and change the world? Why?

10. Walt Disney once said, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." What do you think he meant when he said this? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to pursue his dreams?
Do you think that determination or ability is a more important characteristic when pursuing your dreams? Why?
Some people argue that the circumstances of your birth (such as race, class, place of birth, etc.) are more important than any subjective character traits like ability or determination. Do you agree with this position? Why or why not?

11. An intelligent and technologically advanced race of aliens has come to Earth, and you are the first representative of mankind they meet and they want to know about your planet. What would you say about Earth and the human race? Why?
What things and places would you show them? Why?
What questions would you ask them? Why?
How would you ask them to help Earth?

12. What pre-industrial invention or innovation has had the biggest impact on the fate of mankind? Why?
Was this impact positive or negative in your opinion? Why?
 How would the world be different without this invention or innovation?
What invention or innovation do you think will come about in your lifetime that will dramatically change the world?

13. Sports teams usually have uniforms made in two colours. If you were to have your own sports team, what would the sport be, and what colours would you choose for your uniform? Why did you choose each colour? What do they represent for you?
How does your combination of colours create a visual statement?
Based on the same logic, what colours would represent your team's fiercest opponent?  Why?
Why do different colours mean different things?

14. The human being has been changing throughout the history of our species. Do you think that the humans are still evolving today? What do you think the humans of the future will be like?
How do you think technology will affect the evolution of the species?
How do you think control and manipulation of human genes will affect the evolution of the species?
If you had the opportunity to alter yourself with the aid of genetic manipulation and/or technological modifications, would you do it? Why or why not? If so. what would you change?

15. The artist Ilya Repin made the painting, "Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire." Painting in the 19th century, Repin used the conventional style of the time. If a modern artist were to paint on the same theme today, what style would she/he use?
How does the style affect the message of a painting?
How do you think the perspective of young Ukrainian looking at Repin's painting today differs from the perspective of a young Ukrainian looking at the painting when it was first shown?
How truthful must an artist be to a historical subject?

16. Fantasy books, such as Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, have been very popular recently.Why do you think this genre is so popular?
Do you think that fantasy books and films are intended for a younger audience or do they have broad appeal? Why?
If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be? Why would you choose that character?
Some argue that fantasy books and films are forms of escapism which serve only to distract people from important issues and problems in the real world. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

17. Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." What do you think this quote means? Do you agree? Why or why not?
How can people change their society?
How would you want to positively impact your society?
What are the limits on the ability of private citizen to change their society?

18. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "The creation of 1,000 forests is In one acorn." What does this quote mean to you? Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why?
How do you define success?
Do you think everyone has the same potential to succeed? Why or why not?
What do you believe is necessary for success? Why?

19. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter and you have the chance to interview any person living or dead. Who would you interview? Why?
What would your first interview question be? Why?
How has this person influenced the lives of others? How has this person influenced your life?
How do you think history would be different if this person had never been bom?

20. Stereotypes help us make sense of a large world by simplifying things. They are often negative, but can be positive as well. Do you think that stereotypes are
mostly useful or mostly detrimental? Why?
What stereotypes did you previously think were true, but later discovered to be false?
Do you think a positive stereotype about a group of people could still be harmful? Why or why not?
In your opinion, is it necessary to get rid of stereotypes? Why or why not? If yes. how can we work to get rid of them?

10 клас
1. Motivational speaker Ken Robinson said in a speech, "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
Why is originality important?
How can a person benefit from his mistakes?
How can a person prepare himself for the possibility of failure?

2. Academic cheating is a major issue in all levels of education. What is your opinion of academic cheating? Why?
How do you think it is possible to solve or, at the very least, minimize this problem?
When cheating occurs, it is difficult to give fair grades. How can teachers evaluate their students' abilities accurately in an environment rife with cheating?
If cheating is condoned or, at the very least, quietly tolerated, what is the long term effect on society?

3. Imagine that tomorrow is the last day before the end of the world. What would you see or do on this last day? Why?
Do you think it would be better to try and correct your past mistakes, or just to enjoy your last day instead?   Why?
How do you think people would react to the news of the impending apocalypse?
Some people argue that laws are only obeyed due to the fear of punishment. If there were no tomorrow and, therefore, no consequences, do you think laws would still be obeyed? Why or why not?

4. The poet William Blake once wrote: "A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent." What do you think this quote means?
Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not?
Do you think it is ever acceptable, or even necessary, to tell a lie? Why or why not?
Do you think that there are situations where the truth may be more harmful than a lie?

5. Most people experience a great variety of emotions throughout their lives. Sometimes people even experience a variety of emotions throughout a single day. Why do you think human beings experience such a range of emotions?
Do you think that some emotions are more powerful or important than other emotions? If so, which emotions are more important or less important? Why?
If you could keep yourself from ever feeling a particular emotion on your choice, which emotion would you never feel? Why?
Do you think emotions are an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage?   Why?

6. If you woke up tomorrow and you had lost a sense, the loss of which sense would be the most detrimental? Why?
What could you no longer do without this sense?
How do you think you would compensate for your disability?
Do you think it is worse to be born without a sense or to lose a sense in an accident during your life? Why?

7. Vampires have been a very popular subject in television shows, films and books recently. Part of the appeal of vampires is the fact that they live forever. Do you think that immortality is a blessing or a curse?   Why?
How would you live differently if you were immortal? In your opinion what would the best and worst aspects of being immortal be?   Why?
How do you believe the fear and knowledge of death affects human psychology today and throughout history?
If human beings were immortal, how do you think society would be different?

8. Studies show that too much choice, having too many options, can prevent people from making a decision. If they do decide, they may be less happy with the result, because they second-guess themselves. Have you ever felt you had too many
Describe a choice that you have made which you wish you could take back and change. If you were able to take back this choice, what would you do differently?
Does knowing that you can change a decision later on make it easier?  Why or why not?
Think about important life decisions, like choosing a career. Today, students have many choices of fields of study. What can help you make such a big decision?

9. William Shakespeare wrote plays in England about 400 years ago, but his writing is still read all around the world today. Which contemporary writer do you think will still be famous 400 years from now? Why?
What form do you think literature will take in the future?
Do you think people will still read Shakespeare's plays 400 years from now? Why
or why not?
What do you think makes a writer's work timeless?

10. Scientific advances have cured many lethal diseases but they have also produced devices, like nuclear weapons, which are capable of destruction on a mass scale. Do you think the overall effect of science is more positive or more negative?
How does science affect your daily life?
How would society be different without the fruits of science?
Do you think that any sort of scientific experimentation should be prohibited? Why or why not?

11. Standardized tests, such as the IQ test, have been used to measure individuals' intelligence. Do you think such tests can ever accurately measure all of the aspects of an individual's intelligence? Why or why not?
If you had a chance to take a test that would assign you a numerical representation of your intellect, would you? Why or why not?
In your opinion, what qualities constitute intelligence?
Do you think that intelligence is the most important quality in an individual? Why or why not? Which other qualities may or may not be equal to or more important than intelligence?

12. In many countries, students learning Eng¬lish as a foreign language spend a great deal of time learning about Great Britain. Why do you believe there is a major focus on Great Britain rather than on other English-speaking countries?
What might be the advantages and disad¬vantages of learning more about other English-speaking countries?
Do you believe that country-studies are impor¬tant to language development? Why or why not?
How closely do you think a language is con¬nected with the culture and history of those who speak it? Would it be possible to become fluent in a language while knowing nothing about the country and people who speak that language? Why or why not?

13. There is a popular quote by George Or¬well that says "at 50, everyone has the face he deserves." What do you think this quote means?
Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not?
What kind of face do you hope to have at 50? Why?
People generally associate facial characteristics with personality characteristics. Do you think it is fair and accurate to draw conclusions about a person's character based on their face? Why or why not?

14. If you were put in charge of curating an art exhibit on your hometown which would be displayed in a high profile gallery, what would you design?
What art forms would you include? Why?
How would you attract visitors to your exhibit?
What message would you seek to convey about your hometown? Is there anything that you would want to show off or to hide? Why?

15. Over the years advancements in our ability to harness energy has led to increased comforts and conveniences, such as travel by plane, air conditioning, smartphones and computers. On the other hand, the endless pursuit of new sources of energy has caused both political and environmental problems. In this context, which do you the consider more important: the quality of life or environment risk?
In your opinion, what are the environmental responsibilities of individuals?
In your opinion, what are the environmental responsibilities of governments and corporations?
In your community what environmental issues do you see that are related to energy production and consumption? How could these problems be solved?

16. In the book "Acres of Diamonds’’ Russell H. Conwell says "You can journey to the ends of the earth in search of success, but if you're lucky, you will discover happiness in your own backyard." What do you think this quote means? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
What are the benefits of exploring your own "backyard"?
Is it important for individuals to invest themselves in their home communities or is it
better for them to go to different communities where they may have greater opportunities? Why?
Do you plan to spend your adult life in the community in which you were raised? Why or why not?

17. Henry David Thoreau once said, "thank Godmen cannot fly and lay waste in the sky as well as on the earth." Circumstances, however, have changed, and today man is capable of flight. Do you think that advancements in technology are
worth affecting our environment? Why or why not?
Do you think our ability to access different parts of the planet (for example, the sky and the deep sea) negatively affects the environment? Why or why not?
Do you think that outer space should be considered when talking about environmental preservation? Why or why not?
Many hikers and campers adhere to a "leave no trace" policy which dictates that people should leave the beauty of nature as they found it (neither taking away nor leaving behind anything). Do you think it is possible for humankind to follow such a code and to minimize its impact on the planet? Why or why not? What are the obstacles to such a policy?

18. There are many different forms of art. In your opinion which is the best art form? Why?
What do you believe is the purpose of art?
What do you believe is the role of art in society?
Do you think that one specific form of art requires more skill or talent to create or perform
than other forms of art? Is something that requires more skill to accomplish inherently better? Why or why not?

19. Advice about healthy eating can be found on television, in magazines, from doctors, and from personal acquaintances. Do you think there is a specific diet that would be best for all people? Why or why not?
In your opinion, which foods should be eaten more frequently and more sparingly? Why?
How does your health play into your decisions when choosing what you will eat at a restaurant?
Are food preferences learned or genetic? Do you believe your preferences reflect the needs of your body?

20. We usually think of nature as a kind of mother who provides for our needs. Yet. Mother
Nature can create devastating disasters such as tornadoes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes.
tsunamis, etc. Do you think humans can or should prevent these events?
Despite their destructive effects, are natural disasters beneficial to the planet or to people in some way? Why?
Can disasters bring people together? How?
How does the perception of nature differ between   different   time   periods   and   different cultures?

11 клас
1. Regardless of our religious affiliations, it is known that we are currently alive. Nothing else can be known with certainty. If you only have one life, the one you are living right now, what would a "good life" look like to you?
What are major life events you would prioritize?
How would you define "riches" and which "riches" would you hope to possess?
If you were starting today, how would you make this "good life" a reality?

2. Imagine that you are given the chance to correct one mistake from your past. Using this power you can travel through time, change one action  and  then  return  to  the  present.  What moment in your past would you change? Why?
How, In your opinion, would this change the present?
Is there a particular person associated with this moment that you are anxious to see again?
What risks do you anticipate encountering in time travel?

3. For a long time the core of university education involved studies in the classics (Greek,Latin, literature, philosophy, etc.). Although many university students study and even specialize in the classical studies today, careers in these subjects are becoming quite rare. Given this fact, how useful do you think an education in these subjects is nowadays? Why?
What do you think are subjects that could or should replace classical studies in the future? Why?
What do you think will happen to universities focused on humanities in the future?
How might a classically focused university
convince students to enroll in its courses?

4. Antiheroes, or main characters in literature, film, or television that lack the traditional traits of archetypal heroes, have proven to be popular leading characters recently. Some examples of antiheroes include Dr. House, Dexter Morgan, Severus Snape, Holden Caulfield, Jay Gatsby, Lisbeth Salander and Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. What traits do you think make a traditional hero?   What traits make an antihero?
Do you prefer a traditional hero or an antihero? Why?
What about antiheroes is appealing to audiences in general?
What does a preference for antiheroes over traditional heroes say about a society?

5. Though some people believe it is citizens' right to know everything their government knows, the former Secretary of State of the USA Hillary Clinton has stated, The United States strongly condemns the illegal disclosure of classified information. It puts people's lives in danger, threatens our national security, and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems." Do you believe that the citizens of a country are entitled to know everything that their government knows and does? Why or why not?
What could be the benefits of informing citizens about government actions?
What could be the risks of informing citizens about government actions?
In your opinion, what is the ideal balance between national security and informing the

6. It is frequently said that, 'The pen is mightier than the sword." What do you think this expression means?
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
How do you define "might" or "power"? What gives something power?
Describe a situation in which this statement is true and a situation in which it is not true.

7. Gael Attal once said that, "A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for." What do you think this quote means?
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Describe a time in your life when you took a risk. Do you regret taking that risk, why or why not?
What do you think is more dangerous: a life lived without taking any risks or a life comprised mainly of risk-taking? Why?

8. Abigail Van Buren once remarked. "The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back." Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not?
What programmes are set up for the poor or disadvantaged in your community?
In your opinion, are these programs effective at achieving their aims? What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of these programmes?
What do you think can be done to help disadvantaged people better?

9. Since the dawn of time humanity has relied on leaders in some capacity. In your opinion, what does it mean to be a leader?
Who is a leader you admire? Why?
Do you consider yourself a leader? Why or why not?
Do you think it is possible for society to exist without leaders? If so, why has humanity relied upon leaders for so long?

10. There is a popular expression that goes, "birds of a feather flock together". What do you think this expression means?
Do you agree or disagree with this expression? Why or why not?
Are homogenous groups stronger than a diverse group of people? Why or why not?
Do you think it is possible to be part of a collective while maintaining your individual identity?. Why or why not?

11. The idea of time travel is very appealing to many people but for very different reasons. If you could travel through time would you rather go forward to the future or back into the past? Why?
When and where would you go? What would you do there?
Who would you like to meet and what would you ask them?
Do you think that changing history in order to prevent a great atrocity is a risk worth taking? Why?

12. Imagine a world ruled entirely by women. How would this world be different than ours?
Do you think that the male and female gender have essential characteristics? If so. what are these characteristics?
What does the societal perception of gender roles mean for those who do not conform to their assigned gender role (for example, how is a man who stays home with the children while his wife works perceived?)?
Why do you think there are so few female leaders in many parts of the world?

13. German Political philosopher Friedrich Engels wrote in the 19th century that, "From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization." Though ultimately condemning greed, Engels suggests that greed has played an important role in the development of our world. Do you agree or disagree with Engels? Why?
What do you think it means to be a greedy or a generous person?
What do you think motivates greed or generosity?
Do you believe it is more advantageous for people to be greedy or generous? Why or why not?

14. At some universities students can take classes outside of their chosen specialty. If you could take a class for pure learning (not related to your specialty), what would it be?
Why would you choose to take this class and what would you hope to gain from it?
In your opinion which of the following is more important: the information gained in a class or the grade received for a class? Why?
Some university programmes require students to study every subject in order to provide a well-rounded education while other programmes require students to focus only on their chosen field. Which of these two is more useful in the real world in your opinion? Why?

15. In some countries smoking bans have made it illegal to smoke tobacco products in many places and "sin taxes" have made these products very expensive. Some people believe that such laws infringe on the rights of smokers while other people believe that these laws are in the interests of the majority of citizens. Which side do you agree with in this debate? Why?
Everyone is aware of the harm smoking causes to one's health. Why do you think people smoke despite being aware of the harm?
Do you think that the government should make smoking entirely illegal for everyone? Why or why not?
If tobacco products were entirely illegal what would be the positive and negative effects of such a prohibition?

16. Imagine that you have been chosen to serve as king or queen for a year. What would you do during the year of your rule?
What rules or laws would you create, repeal or change?
Some people believe that power corrupts or changes those who wield it. How do you think being king or queen would change you?
What qualities make a king or queen good? Do you think you have such qualities?

17. James Baldwin said. The most dangerous creation of society is the man who has nothing to lose." Do you agree or disagree with this quote?
How might a person with nothing to lose be dangerous?
What things that are important to a person affect their behaviour? How?
How do the things that are important to you affect your behavior?

18. Some people feel like they are animals in a zoo, always under observation and forced to perform. Why might some people feel this way?
Animals in a zoo held in captivity in order to be observed. Do you believe that observation affects one's behavior and how?
What effects might this feeling have on human behavior?
Do you think that technological advances in the world have impacted this feeling?

19. Friedrich Nietzsche once said that. 'To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." Do you think that experiencing physical and emotional pain is an essential component of the human condition?
How would life be different without suffering?
How can pain and sorrow be useful?
What do you think the world would be like if no one ever suffered?

20. The writer Oscar Wilde once said: "When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life: now that I am old I know that it is." However, the artist Marc Chagall said: "Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life."
Do you think it is more important to have a job that makes you happy or a job in which you earn much money?
What might be the advantages of a well-paid but unsatisfying job? What might be the
advantages of a satisfying but poorly-paid job?

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